We report on measurements of supercurrents through the half-metallic ferromagnet CrO 2 grown on hexagonal Al 2 O 3 ͑sapphire͒. The current was observed to flow over a distance of 700 nm between two superconducting amorphous Mo 70 Ge 30 electrodes which were deposited on the CrO 2 film. The critical current I c increases as function of decreasing temperature. Upon applying an in-plane magnetic field, I c goes through a maximum at the rather high field of 80 mT. We believe this to be a long-range proximity effect in the ferromagnet, carried by odd-frequency pairing correlations. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.82.100501 PACS number͑s͒: 74.45.ϩc, 72.25.Mk, 74.50.ϩr, 75.70.Cn The proximity-effect arising when a ferromagnet ͑F͒ is brought into contact with a conventional superconductor ͑S͒, is generally assumed to be small. The superconducting pair correlations decay rapidly inside the magnet since the phase coherence between the two spins forming the singlet Cooper pair is broken up by the exchange field h ex . In the dirty limit, the decay length F ϰ 1 / ͱ h ex is no more than 10 nm even for a weak ferromagnet. To compare, in a normal ͑N͒ metal the dephasing is due to temperature fluctuations with a decay length N ϰ 1 / ͱ k B T, which can reach microns at low T. Longrange proximity ͑LRP͒ effects in ferromagnets would be possible with spin-triplet Cooper pairs, since they do not suffer decay through h ex , but the orbital p symmetry required by the Pauli principle makes such the pair strongly susceptible to potential scattering by defects in the material. However, under the principle of odd-frequency pairing, also s symmetry is possible, 1,2 and the existence of odd-frequency s-wave triplet pairs could lead to LRP effects in dirty ferromagnets. To produce such triplets in the magnet, the singlet Cooper pair on the S side of the interface needs to sample an inhomogeneous magnetization on the F side, 1,2 or in a variant, spin mixing and magnetic disorder at the interface.3 Fully spin-polarized magnets ͑also called half-metallic ferromagnet͒ are particularly interesting since in such materials triplet correlations cannot be broken by spin-flip scattering and the decay length is set by thermal dephasing only.Subsequently, experimental observations indicating LRP effects were made by Sosnin et al., 4 who found supercurrents flowing in ferromagnetic Ho wires with lengths up to 150 nm using an Andreev interferometer geometry; and by Keizer et al., 5 who found supercurrents induced in half-metallic ferromagnetic CrO 2 , when superconducting electrodes of NbTiN with separations up to 1 m were placed on unstructured films. Even for normal metals this can be considered a very long range. No other experiments were reported for quite some time but this is now rapidly changing. In the last few months, reports came out on Josephson junctions where thin PdNi layers 6 or Ho layers 7 ͑providing magnetic inhomogeneity͒ were combined with Co layers and where no decay of the value of the Josephson current was found up to a thickness of 3...