Very large scale integration of Josephson junctions in a two-dimensional series-parallel array has been achieved by ion irradiating a YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7−δ film through slits in a nano-fabricated mask created with electron beam lithography and reactive ion etching. The mask consisted of 15,820 high-aspect ratio (20:1), 35-nm wide slits that restricted the irradiation in the film below to form Josephson junctions. Characterizing each parallel segment k, containing 28 junctions, with a single critical current I ck we found a standard deviation in I ck of about 16%. † University of California ‡ Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 1 Shane A. Cybart et al.In the last two decades there has been considerable effort aimed at developing a high-transition temperature (T c ) superconductor Josephson junction technology capable of producing large numbers of junctions with uniform electrical properties, namely junction critical current I 0 and normal state resistance R n . 1 This is especially challenging in high-T c materials compared with conventional metallic low-T c superconductors because the superconducting coherence length ξ is much shorter and highly anisotropic, typically 2 nm in the ab plane and 0.2 nm along the c-axis direction. 2 As a result, the superconducting order parameter is susceptible to structural and chemical changes on atomic length scales. Thus very small imperfections in the Josephson barrier or at the interface between the barrier and electrodes can drastically effect I 0 , since it depends exponentially on the length of the barrier. Therefore, precise control at the nanometer scale is required to make multiple high-T c junctions with uniform I 0 . High-T c Josephson devices are further complicated by highly anisotropic electrical transport: conductivity along the c-axis is two orders of magnitude smaller than in the a-b plane. 3 Such anisotropy precludes the possibility of growing epitaxial multilayers to form sandwich type junctions because the highest quality thin films of high-T c superconductors have c-axes orientated normal to the substrate.Despite these challenges, a number of junction fabrication techniques have emerged. The earliest was to grow a thin film on a bicrystal substrate to create grain boundaries in the superconductor that function as junction barriers. 4 These junctions are used commercially 5,6 in dc superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs), which consist of two junctions connected by a superconducting loop. While successful for small scale applications, these junctions are not suitable for large scale integration because device layout is severely restricted: all the junctions must be located along a single grain boundary. In addition, there are large variations in I 0 and R n arising from the short YBCO coherence length and imperfections in bicrystal substrates. 7 We designed a SQUID configuration with incommensurate loop areas because of recent significant interest in these structures. The critical currents of each SQUID oscillate with incommensurate period...