We calculate the birefringence in the vacuum for light at the leading and sub-leading orders for the CPT-even part of the SME. We report that all the LIV coefficients absent in the leading order, but the isotropic one, contributes to the sub-leading order birefringence. We consider models free of the first order birefringence. We then show that infrared, optical, and ultraviolet spectropolarimetry of cosmological sources bound the LIV coefficients to less than 10 −16 . This improves the best current bound on the parity-odd coefficients by two orders of magnitude and establishes the isotropy of the one-way light speed with the precision of 41 nm s . PACS numbers: 98.80.Es, 11.30.Cp, 12.60.-i, 41.20.Jb SME [1], the most general Extension of the Standard Model of elementary particles that includes all the parameters breaking the Lorentz invariance, provides a framework to search for Lorentz Invariance Violating (LIV) terms in all the sectors of the standard model. So LIV terms in the SME model, in contrary to the Robertson-Mansouri-Sexl Model [2, 3], are bounded by various phenomena not only the velocity of the light and clock synchronization measurements [4]. This has stemmed recent research aimed to detect or study the LIV terms in various fields, including the classical solutions of SME electrodynamics [5-7] , radiation spectrum of the electromagnetic waves and CMB data [8-14], black body radiation in finite temperature in SME electrodynamics [15-18], LIV terms in higher dimensional scenarios [19, 20], synchrotron radiation [21, 22], Cherenkov radiation [23-25] and modern cavity resonators or interferometry experiments [26-32].Among various constraints imposed on the LIV terms of SME model, however, the absence of cosmological birefringence sets the most stringent constraint on the 10 out of 19 dimensionless parameters of the CPT-even part of the pure mSME electromagnetic sector [33,34]: these ten parameters should be smaller than 2 × 10 −32 . Five of the nine remaining parameters ( κ e− ) are parity-even, 3 ( κ o+ ) are parity-odd and one (κ tr ) is an isotropic LIV term. The parity-even terms are constraint to be less than 10 −17 by the most recent Michelson-Morley-type experiment [26]. Considering the motion of earth around the Sun and the fact that boost mixes various LIV parameters, [26] also requires the parity-odd parameters to be less than 10 −13 . Ref. [21,22] uses the absence of sidereal variations in the energy of Compton-edge photons at the ESRF's GRAAL facility, to set the limit of 10 −14 on the parity odd parameters. So far, no experiment or observation (in low energy physics) has bounded the parity odd parameters beyond 10 −14 . So perhaps it is interesting to refine/translate some current data into stronger bounds on the parity odd coefficients, the parameters that encode the anisotropy in the one-way light speed.We consider CPT-even part of the pure SME electromagnetic sector. We obtain the birefringence in the vacuum at the leading and the sub-leading orders. We show that all the coefficients ab...