Spherical microphone arrays offer a number of attractive properties such as direction-independent acoustic behavior and ability to reconstruct the sound eld in the vicinity of the array. Such ability is necessary in applications such as ambisonics and recreating auditory environment over headphones. We compare the performance of two scene reconstruction algorithms -one based on least-squares tting the observed potentials and another based on computing the far-eld signature function directly from the microphone measurements. A number of features important for the design and operation of spherical microphone arrays in real applications are revealed. Results indicate that it is possible to reconstruct the sound scene up to order p with p 2 microphones.Index Terms-Acoustic elds, spherical microphone arrays, array signal processing, acoustic position measurement.1. INTRODUCTION Spherical microphone arrays offer a number of properties attractive for the development of the acoustic and audio systems with 3-D listening capability. Due to 3-D symmetry of the array, the array beamforming pattern is independent of the steering direction and the spatial structure of the acoustic eld can be captured without distortion. [6] presented a framework for performing decomposition using spherical convolution under the assumption of a continuous pressure-sensitive microphone array surface. In case of discrete microphones positioned on the sphere surface this assumption is invalid, and a quadrature formulae that preserves the orthonormality of spherical harmonics should be used as in [2]. Quadrature based on Fliege points [8] was presented and evaluated and two plane-wave decomposition algorithms were developed in [7], The current work analyzes the performance of those algorithms under realistic operating conditions -nite number of microphones, environmental noise, and aliasing effects -using both synthetic and experimental data.
BACKGROUNDIn a space with no acoustic sources, acoustic wave propagation at a wavenumber k is governed by the Helmholtz equation [7] 2 (k, r) + k 2 (k, r) = 0,Thanks to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs for funding this work.where (k, r) is the Fourier transform of the pressure. Solutions of the Helmholtz equation can be expanded as a series of regular R m n (k, r) and singular S m n (k, r) spherical basis functions (see [7]where (r, , ) are spherical coordinates of the radius vector r, j n (kr) and h n (kr) are the spherical Bessel and Hankel functions, and Y m n ( , ) are the orthonormal spherical harmonics. Any regular acoustic eld (k, r) near a point r in a region that does not contain sources can be represented as a sum of regular functions with some complex coef cients C m n (k) asTo achieve negligible truncation error it is suf cient to set [9]3. SOLVING THE ACOUSTIC SCENE The potential (s 0 , s) created at point s 0 on the surface of the soundhard sphere of radius a by plane wave e iks·r propagating in the direction s is given bywhere Pn(s 0 · s) is the Legendre polynomial of degree n an...