“…While starving, emaciated, and dead larvae have been found in the ocean (Soleim 1942, Shelbourne 1957, Wiborg 1976, O'Connell 1980, Theilacker 1986, other researchers have found no evidence of starvation, no period that is detrimental to survival, and no inter-or intra-annual variation in larval condition (Vilela & Zijlstra 197 1, Walline 1985). The CO-occurrence of larvae and their prey is frequently well defined (Blaxter 1965, O'Connell 1980, Frank & Leggett 1982, Fortier & Leggett 1984, but is equally not well defined (Grauman 1973, Iles & Sinclair 1982, Gadomslu & Boehlert 1984, Houde & Lovdal 1984, O'Boyle et al 1984, Sinclair et al 1985, Ware & Lambert 1985, Anderson & Gardner 1986, Taggart & Leggett 1987a. Furthermore, the interpretation of the results of some studies concerned with the sympatry of larvae and their food has recently been challenged (Frank 1988).…”