The research project reported here surveyed planners in Coastal Zone Management and “208” programs in New England to determine the nature of their educational and experiential preparation for carrying out public participation functions, and to identify the planners’ own perceptions of the relative importance of those functions and their adequacy for performing them. Criteria for effective programming were developed and used as a standard for comparing various backgrounds with capability for performing necessary tasks. The research indicates that prior planning experience is more directly related to perceived adequacy than either academic or other experiential backgrounds. The survey also revealed a predominant emphasis on activities involving direct public conduct, e.g., organizing citizen advisory groups and conducting public meetings. The results of the analysis were used to make recommendations for curriculum topics that should be incorporated into the training of professional planners so that they will be better prepared to undertake public participation responsibilities. Those recommendations stress preparation for direct public contact, but also for training in other means of public involvement, such as media contact, that are not now being carried out with comparable emphasis or effectiveness.