Introduction. The contact interaction of the associated elements of the hydraulic cylinder (piston with sleeve, guide sleeve with cylinder and rod) determines the reliability of the reciprocating hydraulic motor. Assessing the effect of gaps of articulated hydraulic cylinder elements is an urgent task in view of the fact that the formation of gaps is inevitable, since friction is always accompanied by tribological wear processes. The paper investigates the determination and assessment of the influence of the gaps of the hydraulic cylinders’ mating elements on the stress-strain state of the contacting bodies on the example of the hydraulic cylinder for the Sokol 80.01 railway crane.Materials and methods. The author used the finite element method implemented in the Simulation SolidWorks module. Moreover, the author applied the Huber–Mises criterion as a criterion for the material plasticity. The paper also considered theoretically possible spatial design schemes of loading and depending on the type of the mating elements’ contacting of the hydraulic cylinder.Results. As a result, the author presented plots and graphical dependences, which were three-dimensional surfaces constructed according to the results of numerical experiments. The calculations took into account the joint deformation of the piston, sleeve, rod, guide sleeve and supporting guide rings of the hydraulic cylinder. The author carried out the analysis of the obtained diagrams and dependences of the contact interaction of the hydraulic cylinder for various options of the elements contacting. The paper presented the results that were useful for studying all types of hydraulic cylinders and working equipment of the road, construction and hoisting-andtransport machines.Financial transparency: the author has no financial interest in the presented materials or methods. There is no conflict of interest.