Capitalism is based on inequality: someone gains, another loses. However, this inequality is getting out of hand. According to Stockholder Capitalism, the predominant paradigm, the company is purely economic in nature. Management is only accountable to stockholders. Financial communication is directed mainly to financial target audiences. A relatively new theory, Stakeholder Capitalism, emphasises that Capitalism should function within an ethical context. Stakeholders' interests and information needs, including those of stockholders, should be taken into account. Therefore the role of Financial Communication is to help build and maintain mutually beneficial stakeholder relationships by facilitating informed financial decision making. An integrated approach to Financial Communication is proposed. It should be an interdisciplinary effort where the Accounting and Communication disciplines co-operate. Furthermore, it should be a two-way symmetrical communication process, within the context of Stakeholder Capitalism. OPSOMMING Kapitalisme is gebaseer op ongelykheid: een persoon verkry iets, 'n ander verloor iets. Hierdie ongelykheid word egter te ver gevoer. Volgens Aandeelhouerskapitalisme, die huidige dominante paradigma, is die onderneming suiwer ekonomies van aard. Bestuur is slegs verantwoordbaar aan aandeelhouers. Finansiele Kommunikasie is hoofsaaklik gerig op finansiele teikengehore. 'n Relatiewe nuwe teorie, Belangegroep Kapitalisme, beklemtoon dat Kapitalisme binne 'n etiese konteks moet funksioneer. Die belange en inligtingsbehoeftes van belangegroepe, insluitende die van aandeelhouers, behoort in ag geneem te word. Daarom is die rol van Finansiele Kommunikasie om wedersyds voordelige verhoudings met belangegroepe te help bou deur ingeligte finansiele besluitneming te fasiliteer. 'n Ge'integreerde benadering tot Finansiele Kommunikasie word voorgestel. Dit behoort 'n interdissiplinere proses te wees waar die Rekeningkunde-en Kommunikasiedissiplines saamwerk. Verder behoort dit 'n twee-rigtingsimmetriese kommunikasieproses te wees, binne die konteks van Belangegroep Kapitalisme.