Numerous metals are essential for living organisms, but they can be toxic when present in excess. A variety of mechanisms, including promotion of oxidative stress and genotoxicity, have been implicated in this toxicity process, and various defense mechanisms have evolved to protect cellular integrity (1). Nickel has been reported to be an essential cofactor for urease in plants (2). Other nickel-binding proteins required for urease activity have recently been reported in soybean (3). However, at high concentrations, nickel ions are very toxic to many organisms, including plants, microorganisms, and mammals.Toxicity due to excess of nickel has been studied in animal systems. Nickel has been described as an allergen and a potent human and rodent carcinogen that induces human respiratory cancers (4). This metal can induce oxidative damages through the production of reactive oxygen species in animal cells, leading to lipid peroxidation, chromosomal deletions, and crosslinking of proteins to DNA (5). However, nickel compounds selectively damage heterochromatic regions, and the major cause of nickel-induced carcinogenicity has been explained by an epigenetic mechanism (6). Nickel compounds would induce an increase in chromatin condensation and methylation, causing neighboring genes, including potential antioncogenes, to be silenced. In Chinese hamster cells, nickel was shown to silence a gpt reporter gene inserted near a dense heterochromatic region susceptible to heterochromatin spreading and silencing (7). This mechanism seems to be conserved in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, in which Broday et al. (8) have shown that nickel can induce silencing of a reporter gene inserted in a telomeric region, involving DNA condensation, independent of methylation.During the last century, soils became enriched with heavy metals as a result of increasing industrial activities (9). Transfer of heavy metals from the soil to the plant may cause both phytotoxic symptoms and the potential accumulation of toxic metals in the edible part of crops. Nickel contamination arose from mining, metal refineries, smelting, sewage sludge, combustion of fuel fossils, and agricultural activities (10). In plants, nickel ions may compete with the uptake of other cations such as Ca 2ϩ , Mg 2ϩ , Fe 2ϩ , and Zn 2ϩ and induce Zn 2ϩ or Fe 2ϩ deficiencies that lead to characteristic plant chlorosis symptoms affecting the photosynthetic activity (11). Mechanisms of nickel resistance in the plant kingdom have been particularly studied using nickel hyperaccumulators, which are plants adapted to nickel-rich soils that accumulate high concentrations of nickel in the shoots without showing any toxicity symptoms. In Alyssum bertolonii, Krä mer et al. (12) have shown that increasing free histidine in the xylem sap enhances translocation of nickel to the shoots, which could explain the metal hyperaccumulating phenotype of this plant. These authors suggested that free histidine may be involved in chelating nickel during the xylem transport. In the aerial parts of plants,...