Abstract:The study was carried out in Hojai reserve forest of Nagaon district of Assam, a good example of tropical moist deciduous forest of Northeast India. For this study fifty 10×10 m size quadrates were laid down and recorded the number and girth size of cut stumps within the quadrates. Cut stump of Syzygium cumini, Shorea robusta, Holarrhena antidysenterica, Trewia nudiflora, Terminalia belerica, Cassia fistula, Lagerstroemia parviflora, Lagerstroemia flosreginae, Careya arborea, Dillenia scabrella, Zizyphus jujuba and Pterospermum acerifolium were recorded from the study site. Among these 12 largely exploited tree species highest cut stumps were found in Syzygium cumini (26%) and Shorea robusta (19%). Both the species can use as a timber and other purpose. The highest cut stump was recorded in 10-30 cm girth class. It indicates that the species were exploiting not only for the timber but also for firewood and some other household purpose.