“…The occurrence of the genera Rubidgea, Euryphyllum, Noeggerathiopsis, Cordaites and Gangamopteris along with the genus Glossopteris is indicative of the presence of Karharbari sediments (Early Permian) in the lower part of the Gangamopteris occurs as the dominant megafloral component of the Glossopteris flora which is well recorded from all the Gondwanan countries, viz. India, Australia, South Africa, Congo, Brazil, Argentina, Rhodesia, Madagascar and Antarctica from the homotaxial sediments deposited during Early Permian Feistmantel, 1876Feistmantel, , 1879Feistmantel, , 1881Feistmantel, , 1890Seward, 1905;White, 1908;Zalessky, 1912;Dolianiti, 1954;Srivastava, 1956;Archangelsky, 1958Archangelsky, , 1984Plumstead, 1962;Maithy, 1965dMaithy, , 1966Rigby, 1967;Maheshwari & Prakash, 1965;Pant & Singh, 1968;Kulkarni, 1971;Chandra & Srivastava, 1982;Anderson & Anderson, 1985;Bajpai, 1990;Srivastava, 1977Srivastava &Tewari, 1996;Singh, 2000;Tewari & Srivastava, 2000;Singh et al, 2005Singh et al, , 2006aSrivastava & Agnihotri, 2010;Tewari et al, 2012;Srivastava et al, in press). The genus is distributed horizontally in almost all the geographical areas pertaining to the erstwhile Gondwana but its vertical range is somewhat restricted making it a significant genus stratigraphically.…”