“…The reason for the inclusion of nitrogen in two of the three soil treatments for each crop was, of course, the fact that all nitrates are soluble, so that none could have been retained by the soil in 0-0681 NU NU NU 0-2% of ' 4 0 % formaldehyde', a n d t h e n washed free from the formaldehyde. The cultures with sand as aggregate received absolutely the same nutrients as before, the optimum one for each of t h e crops grown, turnip a n d spring cabbage; thus t h e sand treatments were exactly t h e same as A a n d E described in t h e previous communication (Woodman & Johnson, 1946). The soil cultures t h a t in t h e first set of experiments h a d received these optimum solutions, B a n d F , now received distilled water containing full optimum nitrogen only; those soils in treatment C and G, which had previously received the major elements a t half the optimum concentrations, now received distilled water plus half t h e optimum concentration of nitrogen only; while those soils in treatments D and H t h a t h a d formerly received t h e major nutrients a t half t h e optimum concentrations, b u t the nitrogen a t full, now received distilled water only.…”