Aims: We propose a thorough study of the succulent halophyte Sarcocornia carinata endemic to the saline lagoons of the center of the Iberian Peninsula. We describe its elemental composition and possible seasonal variation in relation to edaphic and climatic variables, identify biominerals and analyze the distribution of salt ions and biominerals in tissue.Methods: Plants and edaphic samples were collected in the four seasons of one year. Soils were analyzed for their pH, EC, color, and bioavailable concentration of Na + , K + , Mg 2+ , Ca 2+ , Cl -, SO4 2-. Soils and plants were analyzed for their total elemental and mineralogical composition. The distribution of elements and minerals in tissues was studied by scanning electron microscopy.Results: Despite the variations observed in the edaphic and climatic variables, the variables studied in the plants varied slightly throughout the year. In the plants, Mg was the element that reflected climatic changes the most, while the K and Ca concentrations did not vary. Salty precipitates and crystallizations were distributed mainly in the epidermis, water storage parenchyma, cortex, and vascular vessels. Several crystals observed were compatible with halite, gypsum, glushinskite and weddellite.Conclusions: The study corroborates that inland S. carinata behaves in the same way as other littoral succulent euhalophytes and reinforces the hypothesis that the concentration of elements and quantitative abundance pattern depend largely on the main adaptation mechanisms of halophytes.
Authors' contributionsMTI carried out the edaphic analysis. VF oversaw the sampling and plant analysis. LR originally planned the research but also carried out the plant analyses and led the writing. All the authors critically revised the manuscript.Soil salinization is considered one of the major threats to environmental sustainability. A considerable amount of agricultural soil worldwide is affected by salinity. Salt stress limits the growth and, therefore, the productivity of crops. Halophytes are flora that grow in saline soils and have been used as models to study different adaptations to salinity stress (Kamran et al. 2020). These plants are able to cope with high concentrations of salt using different strategies that involve osmotic adjustments and osmolyte synthesis to regulate oxidative stress, and anatomical, physiological and metabolic adaptations that enable salt avoidance by salt exclusion, salt secretion, shedding of salt-saturated tissues and organs, or succulence (Aslam et al. 2011;Flowers and Colmer 2008;Flowers et al. 2015).As in other extreme environments (i.e. metalliferous soils, mine soils), the floristic composition of saline soils reflects the soil-plant relationship. The study of the elemental composition of flora in habitats with particular edaphic traits such as serpentine, other metalliferous soils or salt marshes, indicates that the specific vegetation found in these kinds of environments is related to the chemical composition of the soils (Brook 1998;Fuente et al. 2010)...