The inclusion of pulse crops in Canadian rotations has the potential to improve cropping system efficiencies, reduce the overall amount of applied nitrogen, provide economic opportunities for producers, and reduce the overall carbon footprint of the cropping system. Although primarily grown in western Canada, many pulse species – field pea in particular, are well suited to temperate growing conditions in the Maritime region of Canada. A study was conducted over two years at Harrington, Prince Edward Island, and consisted of four field pea varieties including of two yellow varieties (AAC Lacombe and CDC Saffron) and two green varieties (CDC Limerick and CDC Raezer) were planted at three plant population densities - 75, 100 and 125 plants m-2. The study also measured the effects of nitrogen fertilizer applied pre-plant (0 vs. 15 kg ha-1) and applied plant available sulfur (0 vs. 25 kg ha-1). Overall, yellow pea varieties were higher yielding than green pea varieties, and there was a linear increase in yield with increased seeding rate. There were no significant effects of pre-plant nitrogen fertilizer on yield, although it did slightly increase seed protein. Applied sulfur had a positive effect on yield and a slightly negative effect on thousand seed weight. This experiment provides a recommendation for the optimal seeding rate (100 plants m-2) and fertility recommendations to achieve profitable yields growing field pea in the Maritime region of Canada.