Nutrient composition, in vitro gas production and digestibility of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) and alfalfa forages. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 77: 119-124. Nutritive value of forage from the annual legume fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) was evaluated by comparing its chemical composition, in vitro dry matter disappearance (IVDMD) and in vitro gas production with that of alfalfa. Samples of forage grown in a greenhouse or in field plots under irrigation were collected 9, 15, and 19 wk postseeding and nutritive quality was compared with alfalfa harvested at early-bloom. Greenhouse grown fenugreek-9 contained more ash than alfalfa cut at early-bloom, yet the IVDMD of fenugreek-9 was greater than that of the alfalfa. Total in vitro gas production was generally greater for alfalfa than fenugreek; however, lag time prior to initiation of gas production was shorter for alfalfa than fenugreek. Greenhouse grown fenugreek-15 or -19 contained less CP than alfalfa, while the NDF content of fenugreek-19 was highest. The IVDMD of fenugreek-15 and -19 were greater (P < 0.05) than for alfalfa. Total in vitro gas production was similar for all forages. The rate of gas production was slower (P < 0.05) for fenugreek-19 than for alfalfa. Fenugreek-9 harvested from field plots contained higher (P < 0.05) CP than fenugreek-15 and -19 and alfalfa. Protein content of fenugreek-19 was similar to that of earlybloom alfalfa (P > 0.05), while NDF and ADF contents of fenugreek-9 and -15 were lower (P < 0.05) than alfalfa. Total in vitro gas production of fenugreek-19 was similar to that of alfalfa even though the rate of gas production was slower for fenugreek-19 than for alfalfa. Volatile fatty acids production and composition were generally similar for fenugreek-15 or -19 and early-bloom alfalfa. The estimated DM yield of fenugreek-19 from plots was approximately 10.4 t ha -1 . These results suggest that the nutritive value of fenugreek biomass regardless of its stage of growth, is at least comparable to that of early-bloom alfalfa and so it has potential as a forage crop. Feeding trials with cattle are still required to determine intake and utilization potential of this crop.Key words: Alfalfa, fenugreek, IVDMD, in vitro gas production Mir, Z., Acharya, S. N., Mir, P. S., Taylor, W. G., Zaman, M. S., Mears, G. J. et Goonewardene, L. A. 1997. Composition nutritionnelle, production de gaz in vitro et digestibilité in vitro de fourrages de fenougrec (Trigonella foenum-graecum) et de luzerne. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 77: 119-124. Nous avons apprécié la valeur nutritive de fourrages de fenougrec (Trigonella foenumgraecum L.), une légumineuse annuelle, en comparant sa composition chimique, la digestibilité de la matière sèche in vitro (DIVMS) et la production des gaz in vitro à celles de la luzerne. Des échantillons de fourrage cultivé en serre ou au champ, en parcelles irriguées, étaient prélevés 9, 15 et 19 semaines après le semis et leur qualité nutritionnelle comparée à celle de luzerne récoltée en début de floraison. A 9 semaines, le...