The most important task of the mining and metallurgical industry in the world is the development of technology for the processing of industrial waste from metallurgical industries. In the world, balance ores of precious metals are practically available. This issue develops the processing of man-made waste, refractory ores, off-balance and low-grade dumps. The article considers studies of the material and rational compositions of the tailings of a copper concentrating plant in the conditions of JSC Almalyk MMC, determines the optimal method for tailings enrichment with an increase in the content of precious metals in the concentrate, and enhances an unconventional new scheme for processing platinum group concentrates with the extraction of platinum, palladium, silver and high recovery gold. Based on the learned subjects and analysis of studies results, the authors concluded that the centrifugal concentration of platinoids from the composition of the tailings was achieved due to accurate determinations of the particle size in the tailings with the selection of intense gravity modes. Combined hydrometallurgical methods for purifying platinoids and gold from impurities using combinations of chemical solvents have been developed. As a result, the developed technologies have achieved the possibility of complex extraction of platinum group metals from the tailings of concentrating plants of copper production with high degrees, through extraction of all precious metals.