15Methane emissions to the atmosphere from natural wetlands are estimated to be about 25 % of the total global CH 4 emissions. In the Arctic, these areas are highly vulnerable to the effects of global warming due to atmospheric warming amplification, leading to soil hydrologic changes involving permafrost thaw, formation of deeper active layers, and rising topsoil temperatures. As a result, projected increase in the degradation of permafrost carbon will likely 20 lead to higher CO 2 and CH 4 emissions from these areas. Here we evaluate year-round modelsimulated CH 4 emissions to the atmosphere (for 2014 and 2015) from a region of northeastern Siberia in the Russian Far East. Four CH 4 transport pathways are modeled with a revisited version of the process-based JSBACH-methane model: plant-mediated transport, ebullition and molecular diffusion in the presence or absence of snow. This model also simulates 25 the extent of wetlands as the fraction of inundated area in a model grid cell using a TOP-MODEL approach, and these are evaluated against a highly resolved wetland product from remote sensing data. The model CH 4 emissions are compared against ground-based CH 4 flux measurements using the eddy covariance technique and flux chambers in the same area of study. The magnitude of the summertime modeled CH 4 emissions is comparable to those 30 from eddy covariance and flux chamber measurements. However, wintertime modeled CH 4 emissions are underestimated by one order of magnitude. The annual CH 4 emissions are dominated by plant-mediated transport (61 %), followed by ebullition (~35 %). Molecular diffusion of CH 4 from the soil into the atmosphere during summer is negligible (0.02 %) compared to the diffusion through the snow during the non-growing season (~4 %). vestigate the relationship between temporal changes in the CH 4 fluxes, soil temperature, and soil moisture content. Our results highlight the heterogeneity in CH 4 emissions at a landscape scale and suggest that further improvements to the representation of large-scale hydrological Biogeosciences Discuss., https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-2017-310 Manuscript under review for journal Biogeosciences Discussion started: 24 July 2017 c Author(s) 2017. CC BY 4.0 License.2 conditions in the model, especially at regional scales in Arctic ecosystems influenced by permafrost thaw, will allow us to arrive at a more process-oriented land surface scheme and 40 better simulate CH 4 emissions under climate change.Keywords: methane, permafrost, carbon cycle, Arctic, wetlands, winter emissions
IntroductionDuring the last 30 years, atmospheric temperatures at northern high-latitudes have risen more 45 than the global average (Schuur et al., 2015; Serreze et al., 2000). In consequence, many permafrost areas in these regions have experienced expedited thawing rates in recent years.Permafrost in northern high-latitude ecosystems contains twice as much carbon as the current carbon pool in the atmosphere and about half of global soil organic carbon (Hugelius et al., 2...