This laboratory model development study investigated the interaction between artificial biofilm thickness and salivary flow rate on fluoride-mediated prevention of enamel caries lesion formation. This 5-day pH cycling study on sound bovine enamel specimens utilized a continuous flow model and followed a 4 (agarose biofilm thickness-'no biofilm'/1/2/3mm)×2 (remineralizing solution flow rate-0.05/0.5ml/min)×2 (fluoride-0/383ppm as sodium fluoride) factorial design. Vickers surface microhardness change was the outcome measure. Data were analyzed with three-way ANOVA. The three-way interaction gel thickness×flow rate×fluoride concentration was significant (p=0.0006). 383ppm fluoride caused less softening than 0ppm regardless of gel thickness or flow rate. 0.5ml/min flow rate caused less softening than 0.05ml/min for 'no biofilm' and 1mm biofilm thickness regardless of fluoride concentration, for 2 and 3mm with 0ppm F but not for 383ppm F. For 0.05ml/min, softening was reduced as gel thickness increased from 'no biofilm'-1-2mm, but not from 2-3mm. For 0.5ml/min, 'no biofilm' caused more softening than 1, 2, and 3mm, but 1, 2, and 3mm were not different from each other for both 0 and 383ppm F. The present findings suggest that the efficacy of fluoride in preventing enamel demineralization is affected by both biofilm thickness and salivary flow rate, with both thicker biofilms and higher flow rate resulting in less demineralization.