A high power, high duty-cycle, non-caesiated negative hydrogen ion source is in
development at the ISIS pulsed spallation neutron and muon facility. Stable operation of an
inductively-coupled plasma pulsing at 50 Hz, 1 ms, 70 kW has been perfected with no apparent
lifetime issues. Novel features compared to similar H- sources include a very low power
microwave ignition gun, an adjustable permanent magnet filter field and multiple large 3D-printed
components. This paper details the initial commissioning efforts required to generate a beam. An
H- beam current of 10 mA was extracted on the first try in pure volume-production
mode. Parameter sweeps and optimisation to reach the required 35 mA were put on hold to address
ancillary equipment problems. Mitigation of RF pickup required major mechanical changes such as
additional screening and magnetic shielding. Extraction voltage holding capabilities were
investigated to cope with co-extracted electron current loading in excess of 0.7 A. Preliminary
studies of the biased plasma electrode current showed that co-extracted electrons could be
suppressed by increasing the magnetic filter field and gas flow.