. 1992. Effect of feed intake during lactation and after weaning on sow reproductive performance. Can. J. Anim. To study the effects oi feed intake during lactation and after weaning on reproductive performance. 89 second-parity Lacombe sows were allowed 6 kg feed d-'(H) or were restricted to 3 kg feed d-' (R) of gestation was influenced (P < 0.05) by feed intake during both periods. The highest embryo survival (85 %) was in HR sows, and the lowest (64%) was in RR sows. Blood samples were taken from 12 sows from each of the four treatments by means of indwelling vena cava cannulae at 6-h intervals from weaning until24 h after mating or 10 d after weaning, whichever came first. Plasma gonadotrophin concentrations were reduced (P < 0.05) by low feed intake during lactation but were unaffected by postweaning feed intake. Peak preovulatory LH surge concentrations were highest (9.5 ng ml--r) in HR sows and lowest (1 .6 ng mL-') in RR sows (P < 0.05). These data conhrm the adverse effects of restricted feeding during lactation on the reproductive performance of sows and indicate that such effects may be mediated through changes in plasma LH concentrations. No significant effect of postweaning feed intake on any measured factor was observed.Key words: Sow, feed intake, reproductive performance Baidoo, S. K., Aherne, F. X., Kirkwood, ') o, rationnd (R): (3 kg j 1) durant la lactation et durant I'intervalle sevrage-estrus suivant (ISO), selon un dispositif exp6rimental factoriel 2 x 2 (groupes EE, ER, RE et RR). Pour r6duire le plus possible les effets de confusion (confounding) de la dur6e de I'ISO sur la performance des truies, I'exp6rience, a 6td arr€t au 10 jour aprbs le sevrage. L'aliment fournissait 12,4 MJ EM kg-'et 16% de prot6ines brutes. Le rationnement durant la lactation a allong6 (P < 0,05) le ISO (7,3 j contre 5,9 j), mais l'intervalle n'6tait pas modifi6 par Ie niveau d'ingestion aprbs le sevrage. Moins (P < 0,05) de truies rationn6es durant la lactation 6taient revenues en chaleurs au jour 10 aprbs le sevrage (3 1,8