Key words: extracellular matrix; integrin; ovarian carcinoma; HUVECsNeoangiogenesis is the complex process by which new blood vessels are generated from preexisting vessels. The growth of new blood vessels plays a critical role in a variety of normal physiological events but also in pathological processes. 1 In the case of tumoral angiogenesis, the process is under cell tumor influence and conversely the expansion of solid tumors is critically dependent on vascular networks that provide nutrients for growing tumors and allow metastasis in distant organs. 2 The interaction of tumors with the vasculature is an important step in the metastatic cascade. The identification of molecules that play a functional role in tumor neovascularization, especially in the interactions of tumor cells with endothelial extracellular matrix underlining the vasculature, has been investigated for several years and the potential role of cell adhesion molecules and their ligands are of interest. 2 The integrins represent the main extracellular matrix (ECM) receptors that are composed of ␣ and  chains that combine to give 23 heterodimers with distinct cellular and adhesive specificities. 3,4 These transmembrane glycoproteins are expressed by endothelial cells as well as by a variety of tumor cells. It was shown that integrin ␣v3 can provide specific cell survival signals that facilitate vascular cell proliferation during angiogenesis. 5 This integrin appeared also to be strongly involved in several tumor cell growth such as melanoma and breast cancer. 6,7 ␣v3 is a receptor for a wide variety of ECM proteins; among them, fibronectin (Fn) has been involved in tumor development and angiogenesis. 8 Indeed, endothelial cell motility is promoted by binding ECM proteins such as Fn to integrins and interfering with this step may inhibit the process of angiogenesis. 9 Ovarian carcinoma is one of the most common fatal gynecological malignancies and for the majority of patients, these tumors are diagnosed at advanced stages. 10 The ovarian tumors arise mainly from the malignant transformation of ovarian surface epithelium (OSE) cells. These cells spread out and disseminate into the peritoneal cavity to give intra-abdominal grafts whereas metastases in distant organs occurred late. There are only few reports regarding angiogenesis in patients with advanced ovarian carcinoma. Quantification and evaluation of vascular density in ovarian cancer revealed that tumor angiogenesis is a prognostic factor. 11,12 Little is known, however, about the cellular processes that lead to ovarian carcinoma neovascularization. Because several studies demonstrated the primordial role of integrins in ovarian cancer behavior, in particular of ␣v3 integrin and their ligands, 13-15 we focused our interest on the role of this integrin in the interactions between ovarian tumor and its vasculature.In our study, we therefore used in vitro models, IGROV1 human ovarian adenocarcinoma cell line and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) to analyze the adhesion properti...