The pulsed performance of carbon fiber electroflocked cathodes, produced by ESLI, are reported. Performance characteristics include, normalized emittance and normalized brightness of the resultant electron beam, and turn-on field and longevity of the cathodes. The three cathodes tested were made with PAN derived carbon fibers of lengths 0.020", 0.050", and 0.100". The fibers were 7-8 jpm in diameter and were electroflocked on a POCO graphite substrate with a fiber packing density of -60,000 fibers/cm 2 . They were tested using fields ranging from 60 to 110 kV/cm with pulses of -200 ns in duration. These tests were conducted at a vacuum pressure of 4x10 6 torr. Additional longevity tests were conducted with fields of-10 kV/cm, at a repetition rate of -2.5 Hz, and at a pressure of 8x10-5 torr.All three cathodes turned on at a field of <10 kV/cm. The resultant electron beams had emittances ranging from 0.015 to 0.07 (7 cm rad) and brightnesses ranging from 4x10 4 to 3x10 5 A/cm 2 rad 2 . There was no observed loss of performance in either of the two longevity experiments conducted. These results are compared to a POCO graphite cathode that was tested in this experiment, and with velvet cathodes tested in other studies. The PAN fiber cathodes tested have performance comparable to velvet cathodes used in other experiments.