Ž. Background: The purpose of surgical closure of atrial septal defect ASD is to relieve the cardiovascular system from a haemodynamic burden. Excessive amounts of atrial peptides are released in congestive heart failure, valvular diseases and congenital heart diseases. Aims: To examine whether patients after surgical repair of ASD have higher concentrations of Ž . Ž . N-terminal atrial natriuretic peptide ANP-N than age-, sex-and body mass index BMI -matched control subjects. Methods: Medical history, physical examination, standard 12-lead electrocardiogram, and ANP-N concentrations were obtained in 65 Ž . adult patients operated for ASD at the age of 21 " 13 years mean " standard deviation , 21 " 6 years after surgical closure of ASD. Sixty-seven healthy subjects matched for age, sex and BMI served as controls. Results: In the patients serum ANP-N was Ž . higher than in the control subjects 0. Ž 2 analysis showed that age at operation was strongly associated with the post-operative ANP-N concentration r s 0.25, . Ps 0.0002 . Conclusion: ASD patients have higher ANP-N concentrations late after surgical repair. Hormone levels correlate with age at operation. Our finding supports the clinical praxis of operating on these patients in their childhood and adolescence. ᮊ