Recently, a unique family of membrane progestin receptors (mPRa, mPRb, and mPRg) was identified, which may be responsible for mediating rapid, nongenomic actions of progestins in a variety of target tissues. In this study, the mPRa and mPRb isoforms from zebrafish were shown to be rapidly and specifically activated by the maturation-inducing steroid (MIS) of this species, . The zebrafish mPRa and a previously uncharacterized mPRb isoform were stably expressed in nuclear progesterone receptor-deficient mammalian breast cancer cells, MDA-MB-231. Expression and surface localization of the receptors were verified by flow cytometry, biotin surface labeling, and Western blotting. Plasma membrane proteins from mPRa-or mPRb-transfected cells showed high affinity (mPRa, K d 7 nM; mPRb, K d 12 nM), saturable, displaceable, single-binding sites specific for 17,20b-DHP, whereas negligible specific 17,20b-DHP binding was observed in nontransfected cells. Progestin treatment caused significant activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) within 5 min in cells transfected with either of the receptors as measured by western blotting and flow cytometry. The rank order of the potencies of several progestins in activating MAPK via mPRa and mPRb was the same (17,20b,. Interestingly, the MIS in zebrafish, 17,20b-DHP, was also the most potent inhibitor, among the progestins tested, of adenylyl cyclase activity in cells transfected with either of the receptors. This progestin significantly decreased cAMP levels in both mPRa-and mPRb-transfected cells in a dose-responsive and timedependent manner. In addition, signaling of the zebrafish mPRa was blocked by pertussis toxin, implying activation of a G i protein, while sensitivity to pertussis or cholera toxin was not shown with mPRb-mediated signaling, possibly indicating that this receptor activates a different pertussis toxin-insensitive G protein. The results of this study suggest that zebrafish mPRa and mPRb signal similarly upon progestin binding resulting in rapid activation of MAPK and downregulation of adenylyl cyclase activity.