Previous studies ( 1-8) from this laboratory have indicated that the hypercholesteremia and hyperlipemia occurring in the experimental nephrotic syndrome induced in rats by injection of anti-rat kidney seruim are due primarily to some intravascular "trapping" phenomenion whereby the animal appears unable to remove either endogenously-produced or dietary-derived cholesterol and lipid from the plasma with its customary efficiency. However, since renal changes seemingly initiate the total nephrotic syndrome, it seems probable that this "trapping" of cholesterol and lipid which occurs in the plasma in this syndrome is related in some manner to such renal changes. In the present study, an attempt was made to determine the nature of this relationship. The observations herein reported suggest (a) that the hypercholesteremia and the hyperlipemia observed in the experimental nephrotic syndrome are initiated and maintained by the external renal loss of some plasma constituent, and (b) that this substance specifically is albumin.I. The Relationship of Nlephrotic HVperlipenetia and Hypercholesteremlia to Renal Dawnage and
External Renal Excretion MethodsDrastic alteration in renal function was accomplished in several series of experimental and control male rats (Long-Evans strain) by 1) nephrectomy, 2) bilateral ligation of renal pedicles, 3) bilateral ureteral ligation, and 4) ureter-vena caval anastomosis. 1) Conttrol rats. Pooled rabbit anti-rat kidney serum (AKS) was prepared as described by Heymann and Lund (9). The hypercholesteremic effect of the AKS 1 Aided by Grants from the American Heart Association, the San Francisco and Monterey County Heart Associations and from the National Institute of Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Public Health Service, A-46 (C4) and Grant H-119 from the National Heart Institute, National Institutes of Health, Public Health Service.was established by injection of 1.0 ml. of it intravenously into 25 intact rats (group 1) and into 16 sham-operated (splenectomy) rats (group 2) that were bled 24 hours later for determination of plasma total cholesterol (10) and lipids (11). At the same time, 15 other normal control rats (group 3) that had been injected with 1.0 ml. of ntormiial rabbit serum were bled in order to establish normal plasma lipid levels.2) Nephrectomiiy. The second series of 45 rats was subjected to bilateral nephrectomy. Twenty-nine of these rats (group 4) were given intravenously 1.0 ml. of potent AKS immediately after the nephrectomy. The remaining 16 nephrectomized rats (group 5) served as controls, receiving 1.0 ml. of normal rabbit serum.Blood samples taken 24 hours later were analyzed for total cholesterol and those of group 4 also for total lipids. In addition, five other rats (group 6) that had been fed a protein-electrolyte-free diet (12), enabling them readily to survive for at least five days after nephrectomy, also were given 1.0 ml. of AKS immediately after nephrectomy.3) Bilateral ligationi of the renlal pedicles. A third series of r...