The green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dangeard CW-15 exhibited very low rates of plasmamembrane Fe(III) reductase activity when grown under Fe-sucient conditions. After switching the medium to an Fe-free formulation, both ferricyanide reductase and ferric chelate reductase activities rapidly increased, reaching a maximum after 3 d under iron-free conditions. Both of the Fe(III) reductase activities increased in parallel over time, they exhibited similar K m values (approximately 10 lM) with respect to Fe(III), displayed the same pH pro®le of activity, and both exhibited the same degree of light stimulation which could be inhibited by 3-(3¢,4¢-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU). Furthermore, ferricyanide competitively inhibited ferric chelate reduction by iron-limited cells.These results indicate that both Fe(III) reductase activities were mediated by the same iron-limitation-induced plasma-membrane reductase. No evidence was found for the presence of Fe(III)-reducing substances in the culture medium, or for the involvement of active oxygen species in the process of Fe(III) reduction. Chlamydomonas reinhardtii appears to respond to iron limitation in a manner similar to Strategy I higher plants.