. As análises da morfologia externa e interna dos ápices radiculares de plantas tratadas com Al +3 também foram muito similares entre as duas cultivares, não permitindo a utilização dessas características para seleção entre a cultivar sensível e a tolerante. O maior acúmulo de lignina e, principalmente, a menor produção de compostos fenólicos, observados na presença do Al +3 nas raízes das plantas da cultivar tolerante (BR006R), são parâmetros que possibilitam a discriminação das cultivares quanto à tolerância ao Al +3 .Palavras-Chave: alumínio, morfologia, fenólicos, sorgo, Sorghum bicolor.
CHANGES IN MORFOLOGY AND PHENOLICS ACCUMULATION IN SORGHUM (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) PLANTS UNDER ALUMINUM STRESSThe Al +3 effects on the morphology and on the phenolics accumulation were evaluated in two sorghum cultivars exhibiting differential tolerance to Al +3 . The plants were kept in nutrient solution, for ten days, in the presence (185 mM) or Al +3 absence. The root apexes were colored with ferric hematoxylin, and because the intensity of color development is very similar among evaluated cultivars, the use of this method as a selection parameter for Al +3 -tolerance is not indicated. Analyses of superficial and internal morphology from tissues treated with Al +3 also expressed very similar alterations among the two cultivars, not allowing its use for selection between sensitive and Al +3 -tolerant genotype. The higher lignin accumulation and, mainly, the lower phenolics production in roots of the BR006R cultivar in Al +3 's presence, demonstrated the existence of differential tolerance among cultivars.