A highly conservative insulin signaling pathway, stable work of which is indicated by carbohydrates metabolism, is also known to play an important role in the control of stress resistance. Here we demonstrate that exposure to heat stress leads to a rise in the levels of trehalose and glucose in females of Drosophila melanogaster, but does not affect the expression level of the trehalase (Treh) gene. We have shown that the rise in juvenile hormone (JH) and dopamine decreases levels of both carbohydrates under the normal conditions but brings them to values close to normal following the stress exposure. The data obtained suggest that (a) dopamine and JH involved in the neuroendocrine stress reaction in D. melanogaster also take part in the regulation of carbohydrates metabolism, tending to normalize it after stress; (b) the regulation of trehalose content under stress does not occur at the level of transcription of the degrading enzyme.