the total auxiliary power P, versus a . 100)3.13 Clockwise from top are plotted the major radius R the plasma current I and the toroidal magnetic field B as a function of radius a . 1033.14 The optimized performance parameter Brg /R as a function of the plasma minor radius . . . . 1043.15 The optimized parameter P,/P; (top) and the optimized performance parameter Brg /R (bottom) as a function of the plasma minor radius corresponding to ITER scaling . . . .
CIT T vs T plot for the parameters shown onTable 4.1 and for zero auxiliary power. . 108 42 CIT wsT plot for the parameters shown on Table 4.1 and for 18 MW of auxiliary power. . . "Ag 4.3 CIT plasma operating contours of auxiliary power for Goldston H-mode scaling . 1104.4 n-T plot with contours of linear growth rates (y) of plasma temperature corresponding to Fig. 4.3 . C111 4.5 Location of the high temperature stable equilibria corresponding to zero auxiliary power under various confinement scalings.113 4.6 (@ at the marginal ignition ridge (MIR) as a function of plasma density for Neo-Alcator (solid line), Goldston (dotted line), and Kaye-Goldston (dashed line) confinement scalings 117 4.7 The marginal ignition ridge (MIR) and the @Q = 5 contour are shown for CIT under Neo-Alcator scaling . . . 118 4.8 The marginal ignition ridge (MIR) and the ¢) = 5 contour are shown for CIT under Goldston H-mode scaling . . .. . 119 4.9 The marginal ignition ridge (MIR) and the ¢) = 5 contour are shown for CIT under Kaye-Goldston H-mode scaling . . 120 Luv 103 RL Iv 192 4.10 Temperature evolution of an ignited CIT with "small" amount of auxiliary power. . 4.11 Temperature evolution of an ignited CIT with "large" amount of auxiliary power. . 4.12 Schematic representation of an original system (a), the form of the auxiliary power (b), and the final system indicating the steady state operating temperature Ts . 131 4.13 CIT POP-CON under Goldston H-mode scaling showing the desired final operating point (point A). . 4.14 Time evolution of temperature for CIT under Goldston Hmode confinement. . . 4.15 Time evolution of density for CIT under Goldston H-mode confinement. . . 4.16 Time evolution of plasma powers for CIT under Goldston H-mode confinement. . . . 4.17 The particle source rate required to maintain the density evolution shown in Fig. 4.15 . . 4.18 Time evolution of the thermonuclear Q corresponding to Fig. 4.14 . . 4.19 The e-folding time for the CIT unstable equilibria corresponding to Goldston H-mode confinement . . . 4.20 The e-folding time for the CIT unstable equilibria corresponding to Neo-Alcator confinement . 145 4.21 The dependance of the steady state QQ on the maximum temperature deviations stabilized in an ideal system . . 147 4.22 Stabilization of an instantaneous 1.5 keV positive temperature deviation for different values of 7; . 149 4.23 Evolution of auxiliary power required to stabilize a 1.5 keV positive temperature deviation for various values of 75. . . . 150 4.24 Stabilization of an instantaneous 1.5 keV negative temperature deviation for different v...