A theory is developed for Ex H acceleration of ions in channels with closed electron drift paths. Two classes of solutions were found depending on whether the electron temperature was constant throughout the acceleration channel or allowed to rise as the anode was approached. In the case of constant electron temperature a continuous potential variation was obtained. This solution corresponds, from the experimental viewpoint, to the Hall-current accelerator. If the electron temperature was allowed to rise, a near discontinuous jump was predicted at the positive end of the acceleration channel. This solution corresponds to the anode-layer accelerator described in Soviet literature.
B e E HJe m e n Nomenclature = magnetic induction, T = absolute electronic charge, 1.6022X 10~1 9 C = electric field, V/m = magnetic intensity, A-turns/m = electron current density, A/m 2 = electron mass, 9.1095 x 10~3 1 kg = electron density, m~3 = electron density after acceleration, m~3 = electron temperature, eV = axial electron velocity, m/s = circumferential electron velocity, m/s = electric potential, relative to exhaust-plane potential, V = electric potential difference through which ions are accelerated, V = axial distance in direction of electron diffusion, measured from exhaust plane, m