Dietary fi ber rich chicken meat patties were developed by incorporating wheat and oat bran to chicken meat at 5, 10 and 15% levels. Oat bran contained higher amount of soluble dietary fi ber (SDF) and unsaturated fatty acids (USFA) than wheat bran, whereas total dietary fi ber (TDF), insoluble dietary fi ber (IDF) and saturated fatty acids (SFA) were higher in wheat bran. Incorporation of bran signifi cantly increased the water holding capacity (WHC) and emulsion stability (ES). Oat bran showed better effect on WHC and ES than wheat bran. Addition of bran resulted in signifi cant increase in cooking yield, fi rmness, TDF, USFA and reduction in sensory attributes, moisture, protein, fat and cholesterol content. IDF was higher in wheat bran added patties and SDF and SFA/USFA ratio in oat bran added patties. It is concluded that oat and wheat bran can be incorporated up to 10 and 15% level, respectively for preparation of baked and steamed chicken patties.