“…Summarizing these remarks, we believe that the special attention should be played to the following points during the future HiPIMS discharge characterization work (the suggested diagnostics techniques are parenthesized in each case): - Non‐intrusive analysis of propagation of the secondary electrons in the discharge, which can be obtained studying the electron temperature (line ratio methods), and excitation temperature (ROAS, OES).
- Further investigations of the particle transport phenomena, the quantitative estimations of the particle fluxes aiming at clarification of the angular distribution of the sputtered species in HiPIMS (space‐resolved film depositions, ROAS, DS‐LIF imaging).
- Study of the sputtered particles in terms of the velocity component perpendicular to target (), aiming at the analysis of the energetic ionized species (LIF imaging, DS‐LIF, Fabry‐Perot interferometry).
- Additional studies of ion propagation, namely the spatial symmetry of the ion velocity distribution, its connection to gyration of the charged particles and the discharge current instabilities (LIF imaging, DS‐LIF imaging), possibly involving heavier sputtered atoms (e.g., W ) in order to minimize the influence of collisions.
- Further characterization of the reactive HiPIMS processes. Time‐resolved density evolution of the main discharge species in reactive mode, including the dynamics of the energetic negative atomic O ions (O − ), as they may play crucial role in the discharge kinetics after acceleration by negative cathode potential (ROAS, DS‐LIF).
- Study of O metastables and ground state particles in R‐HiPIMS undertaken for different target materials may clarify the time‐resolved behavior of O met density observed by ROAS. The O ground state measurements by two‐photon absorption LIF technique in this case are highly demandable.
- Last, but not the least, the time‐ and space‐resolved modeling of a HiPIMS discharge, possibly using the numerous experimental results as the input data, should be mentioned.