Mineral alteration is a possible side effect of spectroscopic
involving laser ablation, such as laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
(LIBS), and is related to the interaction of the generated plasma
and ablated material with samples, dust, or ambient atmosphere. Therefore,
it is essential to understand these interactions for analytical techniques
involving laser ablation, especially for space research. In this combined
LIBS–Raman analytical study, pyrite (FeS
) and pyrrhotite
samples have been consecutively measured with LIBS and Raman spectroscopy,
under three different atmospheric conditions: ∼10
mbar (atmosphereless body), ∼7 mbar, and Martian atmospheric
composition (Martian surface conditions), and 1 bar and Martian atmospheric
composition. Furthermore, a dust layer was simulated using ZnO powder
in a separate test and applied to pyrite under Martian atmospheric
conditions. In all cases, Raman spectra were obscured after the use
of LIBS in the area of and around the formed crater. Additional Raman
transitions were detected, associated with sulfur (pyrite, 7.0 mbar
and 1.0 bar), polysulfides (all conditions), and magnetite (both minerals,
1.0 bar). Magnetite and polysulfides formed a thin film of up to 350–420
and 70–400 nm in the outer part of the LIBS crater, respectively.
The ZnO-dust test led to the removal of the dust layer, with a similar
alteration to the nondust pyrite test at 7.0 mbar. The tests indicate
that recombination with the CO
-rich atmosphere is significant
at least for pressures from 1.0 bar and that plasma–dust interaction
is insignificant. The formation of sulfur and polysulfides indicates
fractionation and possible loss of volatile elements caused by the
heat of the LIBS laser. This should be taken into account when interpreting
combined LIBS–Raman analyses of minerals containing volatile
elements on planetary surfaces.