A short review of the properties of electron distribution functions in a fully ionized plasma in the presence of high-frequency laser radiation is given. Weak and strong field situations are considered. In a weak field, when the amplitude of the electron quiver velocity in the field is smaller than the electron thermal velocity, the distributions of both the thermal and the under thermal electrons are considered. The conditions are shown when it is necessary to take into account the deviation of the electron distribution function from a Maxwellian. In a strong field the kinetics of the electron is strongly determined by the field intensity and the distribution function in the coordinate system oscillating with the radiation frequency is anisotropic under broad physical conditions, and may be approximated by a bi-Maxwellian distribution with two different transverse and longitudinal temperatures. Among the most peculiar features of the laser modified electron distribution functions, it is worth quoting the pathway of the anisotropy evolution. Depending on the laser field parameters, the distribution function in the initial stages of the laser-plasma interaction is either elongated or squeezed parallel to the field polarization. In the later stages it evolves towards isotropization, which is always approached from the elongated shape. Thus, an initially squeezed distribution function first evolves towards an elongated shape and subsequently towards isotropization. The physical origin and the consequences of the reported features are discussed. In addition, a number of physical processes for which the theory demands the use of the described non-equilibrium distribution functions are briefly addressed.