Author contributions:Yesid Cuesta-Astroz maintained P. falciparum cultures, prepared protein extracts, carried out 2D electrophoresis and comparative analyses of 2D protein profiles and participated in the preparation of the manuscript. Wanda Maria de Almeida von Krüger optimized the protocols for 2D electrophoresis and protein extracts preparation, revised and edited the manuscript. Mariano Zalis provided the infrastructure for parasite cultivation and participated in the preparation of the manuscript. Paulo Mascarello Bisch optimized the sample preparation protocol for mass spectrometry analysis. Camila Nunes-Batista optimized the conditions to obtain highly synchronized parasite cultures. César Segura conceived, designed and coordinated the study, analyzed the results and wrote the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze qualitatively the expression of P.falciparum trophozoite proteins (strain ITG2), after exposure to antimalarial drugs, through a proteomic approach.
Partial characterization of
Materials and methods:In vitro cultured synchronized parasites were treated with quinine, mefloquine and the natural antiplasmodial diosgenone. Protein extracts were prepared and analyzed by twodimensional electrophoresis. The differentially expressed proteins were selected and identified by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry.
Results:The following proteins were identified among those differentially expressed in the parasite in the presence of the drugs tested: enolase (PF10_0155), calcium-binding protein (PF11_0098), chaperonin (PFL0740c), the host cell invasion protein (PF10_0268) and proteins related to redox processes (MAL8P1.17). These findings are consistent with results of previous studies where the parasite was submitted to pressure with other antimalarial drugs.
Conclusion:The observed changes in the P. falciparum trophozoite protein profile induced by antimalarial drugs involved proteins mainly related to the general stress response.