Mice infected with the NYU-2 strain of Plasmodium berghei were used to study the effect of chloroquine on masking of a lipid that promotes ferriprotoporphyrin IX dimerization. More than 40% of this lipid was masked and unable to promote dimerization in membrane ghosts from erythrocytes of untreated, infected mice. Thus, preparations of membrane ghosts dimerized 57 ؎ 6 nmol of ferriprotoporphyrin IX during a 2-h incubation, whereas the lipids extracted from these preparations dimerized 101 ؎ 11 nmol of ferriprotoporphyrin IX (means ؎ S.D. for four experiments). Exposure of membrane ghosts to sonication or cold significantly increased the extent of masking. In addition, chloroquine treatment of infected mice increased the extent of masking to ϳ90%. The lipid could be unmasked by extracting it into acetone or by aging erythrocyte membrane ghosts from untreated or chloroquine-treated, infected mice for 24 h at pH 7.4 and 25°C. These findings indicate that masking and unmasking of a lipid is central to the regulation of ferriprotoporphyrin IX dimerization in malaria parasites. They also indicate that chloroquine impairs the function of this regulatory process.When mice infected with Plasmodium berghei are treated with chloroquine, the parasites lose 80% or more of their ability to produce -hematin (1), a dimer of ferriprotoporphyrin IX (FP) 1 (2). Consequently, undimerized, toxic FP accumulates (3) and, presumably, kills the parasites (4, 5). The biochemical basis for the effect of chloroquine on the production of betahematin in vivo presently is unknown. It is true that chloroquine and other quinoline derivatives, including quinine and mefloquine, bind to FP and inhibit dimerization in vitro (3, 6), but something else occurs in vivo. In fact, inhibition of FP dimerization by chloroquine is antagonized by quinine and mefloquine in vivo (3). These and other observations indicate that chloroquine acts by affecting a regulatory process rather than by directly inhibiting FP dimerization (7). To understand the biochemical basis for the antimalarial action of chloroquine, therefore, it is desirable to know more about the process that regulates FP dimerization.Current knowledge of FP dimerization in malaria parasites can be briefly summarized as follows. The process is promoted only by the lipid fraction of parasitized erythrocytes (8). Apparently, the lipid serves to concentrate monomeric FP and keep it in a state favorable for dimerization (8). Once formed, FP dimers spontaneously aggregate in an acidic milieu (2) such as occurs in the digestive vacuoles of malaria parasites. These aggregates are insoluble at physiologic pH or lower (5), and, in contrast to undimerized FP, they appear to be nontoxic for malaria parasites.Since malaria parasites are enriched with linoleic acid, it is likely that linoleate or a linoleate derivative is the lipid that promotes FP dimerization (9). The linoleate probably is released from the inner membranes of hemoglobin-laden endocytic vesicles as they are processed into digestive vacuoles (...