The far-infrared absorption of a two-dimensional electron gas with a squarelattice modulation in a perpendicular constant magnetic field is calculated self-consistently within the Hartree approximation. For strong modulation and short period we obtain intra-and intersubband magnetoplasmon modes reflecting the subbands of the Hofstadter butterfly in two or more Landau bands. The character of the absorption and the correlation of the peaks to the number of flux quanta through each unit cell of the periodic potential depends strongly on the location of the chemical potential with respect to the subbands, or what is the same, on the density of electrons in the system. Typeset using REVT E X 1 Indications of the Hofstadter subband structure [1,2] of the Landau bands of a twodimensional electron gas (2DEG) in square modulated lateral superlattices have been believed to be found directly [3] and indirectly [4] in transport measurements. This opens the important question of whether the subband structure can directly be detected in far-infrared (FIR) absorption measurements. Calculations of the ground state properties of the laterally modulated 2DEG indicate that the strong screening effects would hamper an observation of even the coarse structure of the Hofstadter butterfly in, e.g. magnetocapacitance or magnetoresistance measurements, unless very short periods and strong modulation would be used [5]. But what about FIR measurements?The FIR-absorption is determined by the self-consistent field which describes the dynamical screening of the incident external field. Since, as calculations [5] show, screening is also very important in the ground state, screening effects should be treated on equal footing in both the ground state and in the FIR response. That an inconsistent treatment of screening effects may lead to qualitatively wrong results in a 2DEG with strong lateral modulation is known from the case of quantum dots. There, according to the generalized Kohn's theorem [6,7], Coulomb interaction effects on the ground state and dynamical response of a parabolically confined electron system cancel, so that the dot responds at the bare singleelectron frequencies. This experimentally confirmed fact has been reproduced only by those many-body calculations which have treated the interaction effects in the ground state and in the FIR response on the same footing. Results of such calculations have been published for isolated quantum dots [8,9] and for unidirectionally modulated 2DEG [10,11], but to our knowledge no corresponding results are available for the square modulation.
1The square lateral superlattice with period L is spanned by the lattice vectors R = ml 1 + nl 2 , where l 1 = Lx, and l 2 = Lŷ are the primitive translations of the Bravais lattice B; n, m ∈ Z. The reciprocal lattice R is spanned by G = G 1 g 1 + G 2 g 2 , with g 1 = 2πŷ/l 1 , g 2 = 2πx/l 2 , and G 1 , G 2 ∈ Z. The ground-state properties of the interacting 2DEG in a perpendicular homogeneous magnetic field B = Bẑ and the periodic potential V (...