The number of eigenmodes in plasmonic nanostructures increases with complexity due to mode hybridization, raising the need for efficient mode characterization and selection. Here we experimentally demonstrate direct imaging and selective excitation of the "bonding" and "antibonding" plasmon mode in symmetric dipole nanoantennas using confocal two-photon photoluminescence mapping. Excitation of a high-qualityfactor antibonding resonance manifests itself as a two-lobed pattern instead of the single spot observed for the broad "bonding" resonance, in accordance with numerical simulations. The two-lobed pattern is observed due to the fact that excitation of the antibonding mode is forbidden for symmetric excitation at the feedgap, while concomitantly the mode energy splitting is large enough to suppress excitation of the "bonding" mode. The controlled excitation of modes in strongly coupled plasmonic nanostructures is mandatory for efficient sensors, in coherent control as well as for implementing well-defined functionalities in complex plasmonic devices.
IntroductionPlasmonic nanostructures consisting of particular arrangements of closely spaced resonant particles are of great interest since they offer a variety of eigenmodes that evolve due to mode hybridization [1]. Characterization and well-defined excitation of such eigenmodes is important in order to achieve welldefined functionality in devices [2,3] and to successfully apply techniques of coherent control [4][5][6][7]. Nanoantennas consisting of two strongly coupled particles can serve as a model system to study the impact of mode selectivity [6,8,9]. Upon illumination nanoantennas confine and enhance optical fields [10,11] and can therefore be used to tailor the interaction of light with nanomatter [12]. Various applications of nanoantennas have been proposed and experimentally demonstrated, including enhanced single-emitter fluorescence [13][14][15], enhanced Raman scattering [16,17], near-field polarization engineering [18][19][20], high-harmonic generation [21,22], as well as applications in integrated optical nanocircuitry [23,24]. The longitudinal resonances of a symmetric dipole antenna can be understood in terms of hybridization of the longitudinal resonances of individual antenna arms, caused by the coupling over the narrow feedgap [25,26]. Such coupling causes a mode splitting into a lower-energy "bonding" mode and a higher-energy "antibonding" mode, respectively (Fig. 1). Limited by the uncertainty of conventional nanofabrication, it is often difficult to fabricate antenna arrays with a reproducible gap size below 20 nm, which is necessary to achieve significant energy splitting between the bonding and the antibonding mode. As a result, the existence of the antibonding antenna resonance has hardly been considered, although it may offer interesting opportunities, such as impedance tunability, a high quality factor due to its weakly radiative nature, the launching of propagating plasmon modes with increased propagation lengths [27] and spatial select...