“…The idea of exploiting nonlocality to design and develop a new generation of metamaterials (MTMs) exhibiting novel EM behaviour has also received a revival in recent years, though the basic concept in itself is not completely new, going back to at least [4] and possibly earlier. Recent examples of research focused in explicating nonlocal behaviour to harness the associated new physics include spatial dispersion in photonic crystals [69], wire media [70]- [73], semiconductor nanoparticles [74]- [77], optically nonlinear liquids [78], hyperbolic metamaterials [79], layered dielectric-metal structures [80], [81] and thin films [82], plasma-based metamaterials [83]- [85], quantum wells [86], soliton interactions with matter [87]- [92], superconducting films [93] and circuits [94], plasmonic devices and structures [95]- [97], nanocubes [98], cloaking [99], Chern metamaterials [100] and superconductors [101], dispersion management profiles [22], [102], biomedical applications in materials [103], and nonlocal uniaxial metamaterials [104].…”