lipídios modificados obtidos a partir de gordura do leite, óleo de girassol e ésteres de fitosteróis para aplicação em spreads Juliana Neves rodrigues ract e luiz antonio gioielli* Departamento de Tecnologia Bioquímico-Farmacêutica, Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 580, 05508-900 São Paulo -SP, BrasilRecebido em 21/8/07; aceito em 20/6/08; publicado na web em 24/10/08 MODIFIED LIPIDS OBTAINED FROM MILk FAT, SUNFLOwER OIL, AND PhyTOSTEROL ESTERS FOR APPLICATION IN TABLESPREADS. The objective of this paper was to evaluate the modifications in milkfat properties with the addition of sunflower oil (SO) and phytosterol esters (PE) and chemical interesterification. Fatty acid composition, softening point and consistency were determined. The saturation degree of milkfat decreased with the addition of SO and PE. Consequently, milkfat presented lower softening point and consistency. Chemical interesterification caused an increase in softening point due to the formation of higher amounts of trissaturated triacylglycerols with rearrangement. The incorporation of unsaturated fatty acids from SO and PE by milkfat triacylglycerols after chemical reaction caused linearization of consistency curves.