Since grain boundaries and triple junctions occupy a considerable volume fraction in nanostructured materials, grainboundary mediated deformation mechanisms, for instance, Coble diffusion creep or grain boundary sliding, are expected to play a significant role in the deformation of nanostructured materials, even at room temperature. The grain-boundary mediated deformation mechanisms, may lead to a large value of strain rate sensitivity in nanostructured materials. Recently, the strain rate sensitivity of several nanostructured/ ultrafine-grained (UFG) materials has been investigated at room temperature to understand the deformation mechanisms. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8] Indeed, nanostructured Cu or Ni are found to have much higher strain rate sensitivity than coarse-grain Cu or Ni at room temperature. [1,3,4,[6][7][8] However, although nanostructured/UFG fcc materials have elevated strain rate sensitivity compared to their coarse-grained counterparts, [5] nanostructured/UFG bcc Fe and Ta were found to have lower strainrate sensitivity than coarse-grained Fe and Ta. [5] The reasons for these observations are not fully understood. These observations, however, indicate that the nanostructures have an effect on the strain rate sensitivity, and thus on their mechanical properties, especially their ductility. Therefore, it is of interest to study the strain rate sensitivity of nanostructured materials.The mechanical properties of nanostructured or UFG face centered cubic (fcc) Al alloys have been investigated recently. [9][10][11][12] While a positive strain rate sensitivity of flow stress at room temperature was observed in the compression deformation of nanocomposite Al-Ti-Cu alloy, [9] a small negative strain rate sensitivity was noticed in the tensile deformation of UFG Al-Mg alloy [12] in a strain rate range of 10 -4 to 10 -2 s -1 . Since the negative strain rate sensitivity observed in coarse-grained Al-Mg alloys is a consequence of dynamic strain aging, [13][14][15][16] it would be of interest to know whether the dynamic strain aging also plays a role in the plastic deformation of nanostructured or UFG Al alloys. The purpose of the present study is twofold: (a) to investigate the influence of strain rate on the deformation behavior of a nanostructured 5083 Al alloy processed by cryomilling and hot extrusion, and (b) to provide insight into the underlying deformation mechanisms of nanostructured or UFG Al alloys.The microstructure, taken from a section parallel to the extrusion direction, of the as-extruded cryomilled 5083 Al alloy, is shown in Figure 1(a). Although the ultrafine grains of 100-200 nm are slightly elongated along the extrusion direction, the selected-area electron diffraction pattern does not reveal preferred crystallographic orientation. In a recent investiga-
COMMUNICATIONSADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS 2006, 8, No. 10Fig. 1. Microstructure of the as-extruded cryomilled 5083 Al alloy in a section (a) parallel to and (b) normal to the extrusion direction.