The quest to achieve the highest possible collision energies in modern super conducting lepton and hadron storage rings requires a strong minimisation of the non-magnetic interconnection zones when compared to the total magnetic length of the main quadrupoles and the dipoles. The ratio of non-magnetic to magnetic zones in the LHC is close to 3%. Such a low percentage imposes a very compact design of equipment situated in the interconnections, like the mechanical compensation system, composed of the bellows expansion joints that have to compensate for the thermal contraction of the magnets. Given the complexity of the LHC interconnections, the requirements concerning their reliability were considerably increased since the availability of the collider for physics cannot be compromised. The failure modes taken into account in the present analysis are grouped into 3 categories: material failures, structural stability failures and fatigue failures. Optimisation of stainless steel for cryogenic applications has been carried out. Also, a concept of reliability-oriented parametric optimisation of the LHC interconnections is presented.