Langerhans cells (LCs) serve as epidermal sentinels of the adaptive immune system. Conventional wisdom suggests that LCs encounter Ag in the skin and then migrate to the draining lymph nodes, where the Ag is presented to T cells, thus initiating an immune response. Platelet-activating factor (PAF) is a phospholipid mediator with potent biological effects. During inflammation, PAF mediates recruitment of leukocytes to inflammatory sites. We herein tested a hypothesis that PAF induces LC migration. Applying 2,4-dinitro-1-fluorobenzene (DNFB) to wild-type mice activated LC migration. In contrast, applying DNFB to PAF receptor-deficient mice or mice injected with PAF receptor antagonists failed to induce LC migration. Moreover, after FITC application the appearance of hapten-laden LCs (FITC+, CD11c+, Langerin+) in the lymph nodes of PAF receptor-deficient mice was significantly depressed compared with that found in wild-type mice. LC chimerism indicates that the PAF receptor on keratinocytes but not LCs is responsible for LC migration. Contrary to the diminution of LC migration in PAF receptor-deficient mice, we did not observe any difference in the migration of hapten-laden dermal dendritic cells (FITC+, CD11c+, Langerin−) into the lymph nodes of PAF receptor-deficient mice. Additionally, the contact hypersensitivity response generated in wild-type or PAF receptor-deficient mice was identical. Finally, dermal dendritic cells, but not LCs isolated from the draining lymph nodes after hapten application, activated T cell proliferation. These findings suggest that LC migration may not be responsible for the generation of contact hypersensitivity and that dermal dendritic cells may play a more important role.