IntroductionVascular injury leads to exposure of prothrombotic extracellular matrix proteins like von Willebrand factor and collagen, which trap and activate platelets. Activation of platelets leads to the release of soluble platelet agonists, adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and thromboxane A 2 (TXA 2 ), which act in a paracrine fashion to further enhance platelet activity and ensure rapid hemostasis. 1 However, platelets also play an important role in atherothrombosis, the pathology that underpins myocardial infarction and stroke. Platelet activation is counterbalanced by negative signaling cascades, which modulate excessive activation and return platelets to their quiescent state after transient activation. This is achieved primarily through endothelial-derived factors such as nitric oxide and prostacyclin (PGI 2 ). 2 In platelets, PGI 2 and prostaglandin E 1 (PGE 1 ) stimulate transmembrane adenylyl cyclase (AC) through receptors coupled to G␣ s leading to the formation cyclic adenosine 3Ј,5Јmonophosphate (cAMP). In turn, elevated cAMP concentrations activate protein kinase A (PKA), which is thought to blunt platelet activation through phosphorylation of various target proteins. 2 The loss of cAMP-mediated signaling leads to increased sensitivity to platelet agonists and accumulation of platelets at sites of vascular injury. 3 However, the factors that modulate platelet regulation by PGI 2 -induced signaling pathways remain unclear.Thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1) is a homotrimeric, multidomain glycoprotein that is present in the extracellular matrix, circulates in plasma in low concentrations, and is stored in platelet ␣ granules, where it is released on activation increasing TSP-1-plasma concentrations by 100-fold. 4 TSP-1 potentially interacts with several platelet receptors including integrins ␣ v  3 and ␣ IIb  3 , CD36, and integrin-associated protein (IAP or CD47). 5,6 Synthetic peptides based on the C-terminal of TSP-1 stimulate platelet spreading on immobilized fibrinogen, activate ␣ IIb  3 forming signaling complexes containing c-Src, FAK, and Syk, leading to outside-in signaling, 7 potentiate ␣ 2  1 -induced platelet adhesion, 8 and induce phosphorylation of Syk, SLP-76, and PLC␥2 in a Src kinasedependent fashion. 9,10 However, some of these TSP-1 peptides have nonspecific effects. 9 Importantly, there is no evidence that the full TSP-1 protein mediates platelet activation. Hence, a definitive role for TSP-1 in platelet activation has yet to be established. In contrast, TSP-1 does play a role in platelet-endothelium interactions. Under flow, both free and endothelium bound TSP-1 can mediate platelet-endothelial cell association by a mechanism that involves both CD47 and CD36. 11 TSP-1 also protects endotheliumbound von Willebrand factor from ADAMTS13-mediated degradation, 12 enhancing the dynamic recruitment of platelets into developing thrombi. As TSP-1 signaling does not activate platelets directly, we hypothesized that it may promote platelet activity indirectly by reducing sensitivity to platelet inhibi...