Altered and highly dynamic shear stress conditions have been implicated in endothelial dysfunction leading to cardiovascular disease, and in thromboembolic complications in prosthetic cardiovascular devices. In addition to vascular damage, the pathological flow patterns characterizing cardiovascular pathologies and blood flow in prosthetic devices induce shear activation and damage to blood constituents. Investigation of the specific and accentuated effects of such flow-induced perturbations on individual cell-types in vitro is critical for the optimization of device design, whereby specific design modifications can be made to minimize such perturbations. Such effects are also critical in understanding the development of cardiovascular disease. This review addresses limitations to replicate such dynamic flow conditions in vitro and also introduces the idea of modified in vitro devices, one of which is developed in the authors' laboratory, with dynamic capabilities to investigate the aforementioned effects in greater detail.Keywords cardiovascular disease; cone-plate viscometers; dynamic shear stress; platelet activation; prosthetic heart valves; turbulence Implantable blood recirculation devices, artificial hearts and heart valves, have long been used as life-saving alternatives for people with severe cardiovascular diseases. However, such devices require complex anticoagulation therapy and, as a consequence, are linked to postimplant complications, such as hemorrhage. Despite the anticoagulation therapy, the risk for cardioembolic stroke is not eliminated. Although biocompatibility of these recirculation devices is of utmost importance, optimizing the geometric design of these devices is also critical to avoid flow-induced trauma to blood. Over the years, a definite link between fluid shearstress-induced damage and activation of blood constituents such as platelets and red blood cells, has been established. Irregular flow patterns arising around complex geometries (e.g., the hinge regions of mechanical heart valves [MHV]) have been recently characterized by numerical calculations and noninvasive flow measurements, and are implicated in causing flow-induced thromboembolism (TE). For instance, the Medtronic Parallel™ valve exhibited regions of elevated turbulent stress around the hinges due to its specific geometry, which, in †Author for correspondence: Department of Biomedical Engineering, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794-8181, USA, Tel.: +1 631 444 1259, Fax: +1 631 444 6646,
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