Seventeen subjects with hypercholesterdemia (type IIa) were compared with 11 normocholesterolemic family members (controls) with similar dietary habits. The type IIa subjects had a shorter bleeding time. Beta-thromboglobulin in plasma and thromboxane B2 and malondialdehyde released from platelets before and after stimulation with collagen or thrombin were similar. No differences in platelet sensitivity to adenosine diphosphate, thrombin or collagen were observed. Gel-filtered platelets from type IIa subjects had a tendency to spontaneous aggregation and lower procoagulant activity. Platelet sensitivity to prostacyclin was slightly higher in type IIa subjects. No differences in a seriea of coagulation parameters were observed b e tween the groups. This study has shown some deviations from normal in platelets from subjects with familial hyperchdelstemlemla. These changes may contribute to tbe increased tendency to occlusive vascular in such subjects.Abbreviations: BTG = B-thromboglobulin, MDA = malondialdehyde, TXB, = thromboxane B2, ADP = adenosine diphosphate, PGI, = prostacyclin, W E , = prostaglandin E,, CAMP = cyclic adenosine monophosphate, PRP = platelet-rich plasma, PPP= platelet-poor plasma, PA = platelet aggregation, SPA = spontaneous platelet aggregation, ~0 1 1 ,~~ = the lowest concentration of collagen giving about 70% platelet aggregation, IDso = the concentration of prostacyclin needed to reduce collagen-induced platelet aggregation by 50%, PPCA = platelet procoagulant activity, PF-3 = platelet factor 3, HDL = high density lipoprotein, LDL = low density lipoprotein.