Because the calmodulin in postsynaptic densities (PSDs) activates a cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase, we decided to explore the possibility that the PSD also contains a calmodulin-activatable protein kinase activity . As seen by autoradiographic analysis of Coomassie Blue-stained SDS polyacrylamide gels, many proteins in a native PSD preparation were phosphorylated in the presence of [y-32 P]ATP and Mg t+ alone. Addition of Ca t+ alone to the native PSD preparation had little or no effect on phosphorylation . However, upon addition of exogenous calmodulin there was a general increase in background phosphorylation with a statistically significant increase in the phosphorylation of two protein regions: 51,000 and 62,000 Mr. Similar results were also obtained in sonicated or freeze-thawed native PSD preparations by addition of Ca t+ alone without exogenous calmodulin, indicating that the calmodulin in the PSD can activate the kinase present under certain conditions . The calmodulin dependency of the reaction was further strengthened by the observed inhibition of the calmodulinactivatable phosphorylation, but not of the Mgt'-dependent activity, by the Ca" chelator, EGTA, which also removes the calmodulin from the structure (26), and by the binding to calmodulin of the antipsychotic drug chlorpromazine in the presence of Ca 21 . In addition, when a calmodulin-deficient PSD preparation was prepared (26), sonicated, and incubated with [Y-32 P]ATP, Mgt ' and Ca 21, one could not induce a Ca t+ -stimulation of protein kinase activity unless exogenous calmodulin was added back to the system, indicating a reconstitution of calmodulin into the PSD. We have also attempted to identify the two major phosphorylated proteins . Based on SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, it appears that the major 51,000 Mr PSD protein is the one that is phosphorylated and not the 51,000 Mr component of brain intermediate filaments, which is a known PSD contaminant. In addition, papain digestion of the 51,000 Mr protein revealed multiple phosphorylation sites different from those phosphorylated by the Mg t+ -dependent kinase(s) . Finally, although the calmodulin-activatable protein kinase may phosphorylate proteins l a and lb, the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase, which definitely does phosphorylate proteins l a and Ib and is present in the PSD, does not phosphorylate the 51,000 and 62,000 Mr proteins, because specific inhibition of this kinase has no effect on the levels of the phosphorylation of these latter two proteins .In the previous paper we have shown that the postsynaptic density (PSD) contains a cryptic calmodulin-activatable cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase activity (29). A further examination of the possible function of the calmodulin in the PSD was prompted by the demonstration by several groups of the existence of calmodulin-dependent protein kinases . Calmodulin has been shown to be a subunit of the Ca"-dependent myosin light chain kinase (14,15,30,41,59,60,62,64) as well as activating muscle (12, 53) and plat...