This paper focuses on the systematic mapping of monolithic applicationsto microservices architecture, a popular alternative in the software development industry.The research examines the advantages of microservices and the challenges organizationsencounter during the transition from monolithic systems. A case study of a financialapplication is presented, along with proposed techniques for identifying microserviceswithin monolithic systems using domain-driven development concepts.The study highlights the difficulties and benefits of migrating from monolithic to microservicesarchitecture, offering valuable insights for software architects and developers. Practicalimplications include a technique for identifying microservices on monolithic systemsusing domain-driven concepts and various communication protocols for service interaction.The findings suggest that this proposed technique can enhance work performanceand establish clear models, particularly for complex systems. However, it may have limitedeffectiveness in less complex systems. The paper contributes to the field of softwaredevelopment by providing practical solutions for companies considering a shift tomicroservices architecture and comparing the two architectural styles.