A series of electrospun nanofiber mat electrodes with two different commercial Pt/C catalysts and a binder of Nafion and poly(acrylic acid) were fabricated and evaluated. The electrodes were assembled into membrane-electrode-assemblies (MEAs) using Nafion 211 as the membrane. Variations in catalyst type, nanofiber composition (the ratio of Pt/C to Nafion), and fiber diameter had little or no impact on hydrogen/air fuel cell power output. 25 cm 2 nanofiber and sprayed gas diffusion electrode MEAs were compared in terms of beginning of life (BoL) and end of life (EoL) performance after automotive-specific load cycling (Pt dissolution) and start-stop cycling (carbon corrosion) cathode durability protocols. Nanofiber electrode MEAs (0.10 mg/cm 2 Pt loading for the anode and cathode) were clearly superior to sprayed MEAs; they produced more power at BoL and maintained a higher percentage of their power after the carbon corrosion durability protocol, resulting in much higher EoL fuel cell performance. On the other hand, there was no effect of electrode morphology on MEA durability for the Pt dissolution test. The higher MEA power output after carbon corrosion with electrospun electrodes is attributed to better oxygen and water transport within the nanofiber electrode and a higher electrochemical surface area for the fiber cathode. The hydrogen/air proton-exchange membrane fuel cell is a promising candidate for emission-free automotive power plants due to its high power output, efficiency of energy conversion, and quick start-up. The successful integration of a sizable fleet of Electric Vehicles into the transportation sector would greatly diminish localized air pollution and alleviate our dependency on depleting oil reserves. Presently, mass commercialization of fuel cell vehicles is challenging due in large part to issues related to the cost and durability of membraneelectrode-assemblies (MEAs).
1A principal strategy to reduce the cost of MEAs is to minimize the amount of the platinum catalyst in the electrodes without sacrificing power generation. In this regard, recent R&D efforts have been directed at the investigation of platinum metal alloys, 2 core-shell nanostructures, 3 and the use of platinum-free metal-nitrogen-carbon catalysts. 4,5 Although these studies have shown some promise in terms of catalytic activity and potential cost savings, they do not currently meet automotive power density and durability targets.Carbon support corrosion in Pt/C catalysts during fuel cell startup/shut-down is another ongoing issue that has drawn considerable research attention. In particular, when a hydrogen-air mixture is present in the anode during start-up, the cathode potential spikes as high as 1.5 V vs. SHE, resulting in severe carbon corrosion of the cathode catalyst layer. 6 Researchers have worked to mitigate carbon corrosion at the materials level by investigating catalyst that can better withstand the harsh automotive operating environment. Current efforts are focused on metal oxides and thermally treated carbon sup...