Research articles published in the International Journal of Play Therapy (1JPT) were examined to investigate the use of selected statistical practices in quantitative inferential studies. The current article examined whether researchers (a) verified methodological assumptions of statistical analyses, (b) reported confidence intervals, (c) discussed the risk of experimentwise Type I error, (d) preferred univariate analyses to multivariate analyses, (e) used univariate analyses as post hoc methods to detect multivariate effects, and (e) screened data and reported findings with graphical displays. Recommendations for improved statistical practice are provided.In 1996, the Board of Scientific Affairs of the American Psychological Association (APA) convened the Task Force on Statistical Inference (TFSI) committee. The Task Force was created, primarily, in response to increasing debate regarding the value and role of statistical significance testing as a means for evaluating research outcomes. The committee was asked, therefore, "to elucidate some of the controversial